Thursday 18 October 2012

Penang Nasi Kandar

Nasi Kandar with curry dishes ^^

Penang is famous with the uniqueness of Nasi Kandar and for Muslims people, you should know that Nasi Kandar is HALAL food. So, no need to worry and just enjoy with the mouth watering food. 

special recipes is using to make "nasi briyani

spicy curry dishes with different ingredients

 Actually, Nasi Kandar comes from an Indian Muslim cuisine with the rice and with variety kind of spicy curry dishes. Rice and curry are practically is the main dishes for Nasi Kandar. Rice can cook plainly or cooked it with special recipes by using herbs like ‘nasi briyani’. The other dishes instead of rice, it can be eat with curry chicken, curry beef, fish and other food ingredients but not pork.

people line up to buy nasi kandar at the stalls

 It sounds very delicious right. In this milenium era, Nasi Kandar is not only liked by the Indians and Malays but also the Chinese as well and the tourist who come to Penang. Even though, nowadays many big restaurants try to develop this kind of food into franchise chains at every state in Malaysia but the taste is not the same and the originality is little bit different and not the same like in Penang. Visit one of the Nasi Kandar food restaurants and taste it by yourself to get a better idea about the taste. Plus, you can take a look at the preparation o the food while waiting for it after finishing orders them. 

Here some of the popular restaurants address that serve a great Nasi Kandar: 

view from line clear nasi kandar

 Line Clear
Address: Ally next to 177, Penang Road.
Open: 24 hours.
Close: Closed on alternate Tuesdays.

view from Nasi Kandar Beratur @ Restoran Liyaqat Ali

 Nasi Kandar Beratur

Address: 98 Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling (next to Kapitan Keling Mosque)
Open: 10 p.m - 9 a.m

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